Business in Japan (BIJ) GoodPeople, many of you know Robert Heldt Founder and President of Custom Media here in Tokyo. Custom Media have launched a new platform and community called; Connect.
Connect is a dedicated digital marketplace offering SMEs, entrepreneurs, independent businesses and other local companies in Japan much-needed free visibility and valuable promotion to audiences that they may not have been able to connect with previously to help all of us get through this uncharted economy.
With BIJ Webinars we intend to provide GoodPeople being impacted by the COVID19 crisis or preparing for impact, with information they can use and introduce people in the BIJ Community to share their story; who they are, what they do, how you can help them, and how they can help you!
This Webinar will be a casual chat with two well know leaders in the Sales in Japan space. Dr. David Sweet and Dr Greg Story, with a core theme of Sales in the age of COVID-19.
Dr. David Sweet
Dr. Sweet has over 20 years of sales experience in Japan and is author of "Sweet Sales". He currently runs FocusCore, a recruitment consultancy, and focuses on helping companies hire the best sales professionals. Having successfully sold and run sales teams through a couple of recessions, he has learned what it takes to be successful in a tough market: a positive mindset, strong relationships, constant self-development, and working harder than the competition.
Dr. Greg Story
Dr. Story has written two best selling books - Japan Sales Mastery and Japan Business Mastery. He has been promoting business thought leadership through his five podcasts and two TV shows every week. Starting as a door to door Encyclopedia Britannica salesman in Brisbane, he now runs and owns the successful Dale Carnegie Training business in Tokyo, currently in its 57th year in operation in Japan. As a leader, trainer, coach, presenter and salesperson he is in the trenches everyday, always firmly focused on the real world of business.
Please share this block of text below with friends!
WHAT: [BIJ Webinar] SALES in the age of COVID-19
'Connect' with your local Business community [002]
WHEN: Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 7pm to 8:30pm
WEBINAR URL: https://telemeet.teleworkr.com/BIJ_Webinar
PASSWORD: shouldn't need one but if you do, email me on events [at] businessinjapan.jp
RSVP please: https://businessinjapan.doorkeeper.jp/events/106660
Connect with:
Jason https://jp.linkedin.com/in/goodpeople
Robert Heldt https://www.linkedin.com/in/robertheldt/
Dr. David Sweet https://www.linkedin.com/in/drdavidsweet/
Dr. Greg Story https://www.linkedin.com/in/gregstory/
Sponsors Tekmonks:
Rohit Kapoor https://www.linkedin.com/in/rohitvkapoor/
Lijuan 'Jojo' Zhou https://www.linkedin.com/in/lijuan-zhou-862874179/
TeleWorkr.com - your digital office building! Teleworkr is to physical offices, what Amazon is to physical stores. 日本語で jp.TeleWorkr.com
And if not yet registered for BIJ Events or this was forwarded to you, you can register here: BIJ@DOORKEEPER(https://businessinjapan.doorkeeper.jp/)
LinkedInベースのグループとして2008年に設立されたBusiness in Japanは、日本に関連するビジネスを行いたい英語を話すプロフェッショナル向けの世界最大のネットワーキンググループです。約88,000人のメンバーがおり、そのうち約1/3は日本に在住しており、残りは日本に興味を持っています。 また、日本で最もユニークな一般的なネットワーキングイベントも開催しており、Busi...