
Doing Business In Japan: a French University visits Japan 🇯🇵

2023-02-13(月)20:00 - 21:30 JST
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[BIJ Event] Monday February 13th 8pm JST~ | 12pm Paris/CET
3am PST | 6am EDT | 11am BST | 4:30pm IST | 9pm AEST

Doing Business In Japan: a French University visits Japan 🇯🇵

Join Jason & Matt as we learn from students from Université Paris-Saclay led by Hajar Bensoummane about a trip to Japan 🇯🇵 to learn about doing Business In Japan they have planned & what help they need when they get here!

University seminar June 2023: Doing business in Japan

The J-Project team, made up of eight master students at the University of Paris Saclay (France), will present you their project of organizing a 1-week seminar for all students of the class. Each year, the student choose a destination and after South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore.. This edition will take place in Tokyo for the first time, from the 12th to 16 June 2023.

During this week of seminar, we will conduct several company visits. The concept is the following: Companies based in the region opens its doors and welcomes us for a couple of hours to experience international business beyond theoretical education and provides us with valuable insights and knowledge that we could not acquire from textbooks alone.

The main objectives for us:
- Gain a better understanding of the operations and management of a Japanese company
- Have exclusive discussions with employees from departments linked to our major : Procurement - Supply-Chain and Quality
- Learn about the industry and current trends in Japan
- Observe and analyze the company’s organizational structure and culture
- Expand our network

Join the J-Project team supported by the Business In Japan Community to find out more about this learning journey and maybe be a part of it. Any input is valuable and welcome; we would greatly appreciate your time and consideration.

We hope to see you this Monday & any Monday lunchtime JST, either in a Clubhouse Club scheduled 'Room' or the House casual private community chat, for more casual discussions about Japan & Business/Work subjects, interesting speakers & panel guests.

Please share this block of text below with friends!

WHAT: Doing Business In Japan: a French University visits Japan 🇯🇵
WHEN: Monday February 13th 8pm JST~ | 12pm Paris/CET

Join Jason & Matt as we learn from students from Université Paris-Saclay led by Hajar Bensoummane about a trip to Japan 🇯🇵 to learn about doing Business In Japan they have planned & what help they need when they get here!

Clubhouse is a smartphone only (though you can listen through a Browser), Audio-only Social Media platform & 'Replays' are now possible! Check the BIJ Club Replays Tab, or at the bottom of speakers Profiles on Clubhouse. The Event links also redirect & play the event audio during & after it has finished, in any browser!

Connect with:
Jason on LinkedIn
Business In Japan Group on LinkedIn

Jason on Clubhouse
Business In Japan Club on Clubhouse

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Business In Japan

Business In Japan

LinkedInベースのグループとして2008年に設立されたBusiness in Japanは、日本に関連するビジネスを行いたい英語を話すプロフェッショナル向けの世界最大のネットワーキンググループです。約88,000人のメンバーがおり、そのうち約1/3は日本に在住しており、残りは日本に興味を持っています。 また、日本で最もユニークな一般的なネットワーキングイベントも開催しており、Busi...
