MIXX Bar & Lounge, 36F ANA InterContinental, Akasaka, Tokyo
1-12-33, Minato, Tokyo 107-0052, Japan
Business is Social and Business in Japan are excited to team up for our forth networking event together on August 29th, being held again at the fantastic Mixx Bar at the ANA InterContinental hotel. Our guests will speak for a few minutes each followed by a group Q&A and social networking after.
This months theme is COMIC CON! Yes, this "multi-genre entertainment and comic convention held annually in San Diego, California." is finally coming to the country that probably most naturally identifies with such an Event!
WHAT: Business is Social x Business in Japan August Networking Event & Tokyo Comic Con CEO
WHEN: Monday, August 29th, 19:30~
MAPS LINK: https://goo.gl/maps/Dq5zKfQzFhx
WHERE: MIXX Bar & Lounge, 36F ANA InterContinental, Akasaka, Tokyo
COST: 2,000 yen ★one drink is included in the price★
Speaking for around 10 mins this month is Mitsuaki Munegumi (Mune) CEO of Tokyo Comic Con.
Also CEO of Hollywood Collector's Gallery - 'HCG' manufacturers and distributes Hollywood movie merchandise, especially hi-end products like movie prop-replicas. HCG has been producing DC Comic and other superhero items, too. Recognizing changes is customer preferences, Mune-san decided to organize his own Hollywood Convention (HollyCon) in 2012, with the first guest from Hollywood being Christopher Lloyd, known as DOC BROWN in Back To The Future.
The 10th HollyCon will have been held August 27 & 28, the two days before Mune-san's talk with us! In his talk, he will explain about the Comic Con event, his collaboration with Steve Wozniak and how the first Tokyo Comic Con came about. The Tokyo Comic Con will be a unique blend of US and Asian pop cultures. Mune-san will of course give us a bit of a sneak peek about which Hollywood stars are coming.
Second Speaking Spot OPEN ! Contact Josh, Will or Jason if Comic Con is something that would relate to you &/or your business, work etc.!
Business in Japan and Business is Social intend to run events on a regular basis, so keep an eye out for more of them here in this group, and to make sure you don't miss them in the future, you can register at either or both of these Event Management links:
The BIS x BIJ events strive to create a networking community for business professionals that want to make substantive contacts that turn into relationships and real business. By offering more networking opportunities than standard networking groups, we bring more than typical business card exchange events. Our focus will be on monthly downtown Tokyo events with topic or industry specific guest speakers. Feedback on the type of speakers or industry you want future events to focus on welcome.
Connect with:
Jason https://jp.linkedin.com/in/goodpeople
Josh https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshua-barry-37b85a8
Will https://www.linkedin.com/in/will-murray-9a7b228
For a nijikai, second party venue near the ANA in Akasaka, last month we were introduced to 'CHILLAX' by Keiko-san who took some of us there for the 2nd party. Folks are welcome to go there after this event too:
Address: 〒106-0032 Tokyo, Minato, Roppongi, 4 Chome−8−4 〒106-0032 アルガ 六本木 ビル 4 階
Map Link: https://goo.gl/maps/9VXX3VqZg6P2
LinkedInベースのグループとして2008年に設立されたBusiness in Japanは、日本に関連するビジネスを行いたい英語を話すプロフェッショナル向けの世界最大のネットワーキンググループです。約88,000人のメンバーがおり、そのうち約1/3は日本に在住しており、残りは日本に興味を持っています。 また、日本で最もユニークな一般的なネットワーキングイベントも開催しており、Busi...