3丁目-1-6 元麻布 港区 東京都 106-0046
Blink x Sakeba Club x BIJ Friday Drinks, ongoing Sake tasting & Networking night
Friday 5th April from 6.45pm (All-you-can-drink Sake from about 7pm)
RSVP here now: https://businessinjapan.doorkeeper.jp/events/88254
The guys over at Sakeba Club will kindly be offering another special Premium Sake (Nihonshu) tasting and presentation & networking night at Blink Community with Sakeba Club & Business In Japan (BIJ) on Friday April 5th, 2019.
Come and explore the vast and tasty world of premium sake (nihonshu), while enjoying the company of good people and a great location at Blink Community. We will have various different kinds of premium sake from the world renowned Tenryohai sake brewery [ https://tenryohai.co.jp/ ] on Sado Island (Niigata) available for you to taste and enjoy along with an interesting presentation and talk by one of their own sake brewery staff.
Don’t worry if you don’t know anything about nihonshu - experts, nihonshu lovers, newbies are all welcome. If you want to take this opportunity to learn more about nihonshu and meet other business professionals, you are more than welcome to, but the point is really to just enjoy yourselves and relax after a long week. Come by yourself, bring your friends - we’re looking forward to seeing you there!
Japanese beer available @500 yen each
Please share this block of text below with friends!
WHAT: 【EVENT】 April 5th Networking with Business In Japan & Sakeba Club + Premium Sake!
WHEN: Friday, April 5th, 18:45~ until 9pm
WHERE: Blink Community, Roppongi (BLINK - Smart Workspace)
MAPS LINK: https://goo.gl/maps/s7UssHNSyCJ2
COST: 3,000 yen when RSVP'd, 3,500 at door ★includes all you can drink Sake 7~9pm★
Japanese beer available @500 yen each
RSVP: https://businessinjapan.doorkeeper.jp/events/88254
日付:4月 5日(金)
時間:18:45 〜21:00
ロケーション: Blink Community @ 六本木
RSVP: https://businessinjapan.doorkeeper.jp/events/88254
*日本ビール: ¥500
Supported by and with big thanks to the guys at HumbleBunny for ongoing, consistent support!!
LinkedInベースのグループとして2008年に設立されたBusiness in Japanは、日本に関連するビジネスを行いたい英語を話すプロフェッショナル向けの世界最大のネットワーキンググループです。約88,000人のメンバーがおり、そのうち約1/3は日本に在住しており、残りは日本に興味を持っています。 また、日本で最もユニークな一般的なネットワーキングイベントも開催しており、Busi...