
SALES IN JAPAN - Cross-Cultural Selling in Japan (please do join waitlist)

2019-03-26(火)18:30 - 20:30 JST

WeWork 城山トラストタワー 21階

〒105-0001, 城山トラストタワー21階 4丁目-3-1 虎ノ門 港区 東京都 105-0001




1,000円 会場払い
Pizza, Beer/Wine, and venue, sponsored by MarketsAndMarkets and Colt Data Center Services


Primarily an ~Invitation Only~ Event, if you are in B2B Sales or responsible for (non-recruitment) revenue generation in your company you are welcome to RSVP. Please note due to venue space limitation and the high number of invited attendees, a very limited number of open places exist. If you have any questions or to make sure, feel free to contact me through any channel we're connected or jason [at] goodpeople. jp

SALES IN JAPAN - Cross-Cultural Selling in Japan

This will be a high quality event, filled with people I've gone out to my network here in Japan to invite. This event is for anyone wanting to mix with a niche group of GoodPeople involved in generating sales and/or responsible for revenue growth, in Japan.

Speakers will share their personal experiences garnered from their decades of time working here in Japan, including best practices on selling cross-culturally in Japan as a foreigner working for Japanese firm, or Japanese working for foreign Headquartered firm.

[Note: RSVP is a MUST Please. Here's why]
About WeWork rules and Instructions for Events:

  • We must provide WeWork with the list of Attendees for the evening, the day before (they do not share contacts with any 3rd parties)
  • We must check in guests and usher them from the 1F to the 21F: Please be prepared to be taken up to the 21F
  • there is a significant financial penalty if we don't

Speaker Profiles:

Dan Harris is a principal at MAP / Market Action Partners, a Tokyo-based firm focused on corporate training, coaching and business consultancy. He and his team start with two viewpoints: What will be effective? How to get ‘permanent improvement’? (I.e, getting a client’s staff to adopt
changes into their daily work, for long-term results.) MAP is particularly strong in helping B2B
sales departments in Japan improve their performance

Dan’s experience in B2B sales, marketing and training spans 35+ years; 30+ in Japan
and 5 in New York. In positions at Sony, SAS Institute, Salomon Brothers, and PacificData, he
spearheaded the introduction of new products, created & executed lead generation programs,
conducted innumerable sales calls, trained sales & other staff, and provided marketing &
operational support. He has been active at the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan, and
has given many presentations to various organizations and associations.
Dan received his BA from Sophia University in Tokyo, his MBA from Harvard, and
speaks/reads/writes Japanese. He does day hikes, dances salsa, plays tennis, and enjoys sumo.
His two children, raised in Japan, are at early stages of their careers. Dan grew up in Oklahoma,
USA, and has permanent residency status for Japan.
Dan can be reached at

David Sweet is the author of "Sweet Sales: Successful Sales with Synergy".
David started selling when he was 8 years old. At that time, he learned many of the lessons that he now passes along to sales professionals around the world. He has navigated the bureaucratic and political mazes of the U.S. Government and has spent two decades in Asia consulting for Top Tier companies. He also started the important mental disciplines of karate and marathon running. This combination has become a good defense mechanism in case of a poor sales call.

He has focused on selling in Tokyo for the past two decades and is the founder and CEO of the human capital consultancy, FocusCore Group. He is also a keynote speaker and seminar leader and author of Sweet Sales, Recruit!: Becoming the Top-Biller, as well as having published several articles and was most recently cited in Changing Jobs Without a Resume Using Social Media for his expertise in using social networking for recruitment in Japan. He holds a Ph.D. in Leadership Development and a M.A. in Communications from Regis University in Denver, Colorado. He is also a Certified Executive Coach for the Center for Executive Coaching in Sarasota, Florida, an ICF accredited organization.

And in sales calls, he seldom has the need to pull out his black belt or run out of sales meetings.

WHAT: SALES IN JAPAN - Cross-Cultural Selling in Japan
WHEN: Tuesday, March 26th, 18:30~ until 8.30pm
WHERE: WeWork, Shiroyama Trust Tower 21F
〒105-0001, 4 Chome-3-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tōkyō-to 105-0001
Kamiyacho Station (3 minute walk) | Roppongi-itchōme Station (6 minute walk)
INCLUDED: PIZZAKAYA PIZZAS! Wine & Beer, Water, Coffee, Tea COST: ¥1,000 IF RSVP'd ...waived if a BIJ member! (PLEASE don't RSVP.. then not show up!)

This Event is proudly sponsored by Will Polese from MarketsandMarkets™ Japan and Ras Scollay from Colt Data Centre Services in Japan and Asia

Special mention and thanks to the great guys at HumbleBunny for ongoing, consistent support!!
sem & seo, web design, content marketing

Connect with:
All the other guys names above link to their Profiles on LinkedIn too

And if not yet registered for BIJ Events or this was forwarded to you, you can register here: BIJ@DOORKEEPER(


Business In Japan

Business In Japan

LinkedInベースのグループとして2008年に設立されたBusiness in Japanは、日本に関連するビジネスを行いたい英語を話すプロフェッショナル向けの世界最大のネットワーキンググループです。約88,000人のメンバーがおり、そのうち約1/3は日本に在住しており、残りは日本に興味を持っています。 また、日本で最もユニークな一般的なネットワーキングイベントも開催しており、Busi...
